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Center for the Study of the Islamic Republic Iran St. Petersburg State University “Collegium Iranicum”

Shorokhov Vladimir Andreevich

Shorokhov Vladimir Andreevich

The management of scientific projects

Shorokhov Vladimir Andreevich

23/02/1984. Place of Birth: Tumen (USSR)

Education and Qualification

2006 Faculty of History, Saint Petersburg State University (specialist degree)

2009 Fellowship in Russian history, Saint Petersburg State University

2014 Dissertation “External factors in the history of Rus’ from the end of VIIIth century to mid-IXth century” (PhD in Russian history, speciality code 07.00.02). The defense was provided by the Saint Petersburg State University.

2014 Special course “Russian Heraldry” (given by the executive secretary of the Heraldic Council of the President of the Russian Federation G. V. Kalashnikov)

2014 Advanced training course in labor rights for scholars, Saint Petersburg State University

2016 Advanced training course “Attribution and Evaluation of Historic and Cultural artefacts”, Saint Petersburg State University

2016-2017 Language courses (Modern Standard Arabic), Saint Petersburg State University


From 2007 to 2018 – assistant lecturer of the Department of regional history of the Faculty of History (St. Petersburg State University)

From 2005 to 2010 – teacher at the Private Educational Agency (“Heirs”)

2009 – tour guide of the State Trust “Arcticougol’”(“Arctic Coal”) (Piramiden mine, Spitsbergen Norway)

From 2009 to 2013 – senior lecturer of St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law

From 2018 to present - docent (assistant professor) of the Department of regional history of the Institute of History (St. Petersburg State University)

Areas of Research

Russian history, regional studies, history of Eurasia, frontier studies, regional explorations, history of Russo-Iranian relations in XVIIth c.

Research and project management

  • “Russian Statehood in XIIIth-XVIth c.: the Features of Social and Political Process” (research project of SPbSU; project code:; 2011-2013)
  • “Complex Studies in Regional History (Federal Target Program "Research and scientific and pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia"; project code: 5.27.736.2011; completed in 2011)
  • “Issues of Regional History: History, Ethnology, Archeology” (Federal Target Program "Research and scientific and pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia"; project code: 5.27.1599.2011; completed in 2011)
  • “Actual Problems of the History of Russian Statehood: IXth-XXth c.” (Federal Target Program "Research and scientific and pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia"; project code: 5.48.1387.2012; completed in 2012)
  • “Medieval Russia: State, Society, Church in XIII-XVI c.” (research project of SPbSU; project code: 5.48.1442.2012; 2012-2013)
  • “Monasteries of northwest Russia: history and archive heritage” (research project of SPbSU; project code: 5.38.680.2013; 2013-2015)
  • «Identity Crisis in Post-Soviet space in the mirror of the conflict» (research project of SPbSU; project code:; 2014-2016)
  • “The Council of Ministers, the Duma and the policy concerning the periphery of the Russian Empire in 1906–1917ˮ (the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the young PhDs; project code: МК-630.2017.6; 2017-2018).
  • “Russia and Ethno-Political Processes in The Kūhistoni Badakhshon Autonomous Region of Tajikistan (1991–2005)” (the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the young PhDs N МК-5515.2018.6; 2018-2019)
  • The Documentary History of the Russian Strand of Safavid Diplomacy (1501-1722) ( the grant No 18-78-10052 of the Russian Science Foundation; 2018-2021)
  • Attribution of the Medieval Persian and Afghan Poetry Texts via the Methods of Digital Stylometry (the grant No 20-012-00187 of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research; 2020-2021)

Major publications

·    Национальное строительство в Таджикистане в 1988–2000-е гг. Поиск «основы конструкта» [Nation State-Building in Tajikistan in 1988-2000-s. Search for the ‘Backbone of the Construct’] // Былые годы: Российский исторический журнал. 2015. T. 35 (1). С. 204-210 (в соавторстве с А. Х. Даудовым, А. А. Андреевым, Д. Г. Янченко).

·    Проблема идентичности в современном Таджикистане: языковые, политические, религиозные, социально-экономические факторы влияния (историография вопроса) [The Problem of Identity in Modern Tajikistan: Linguistic, Political, Religious, Social and Economic Factors of Influence (Historiography Issue)] // Политическая экспертиза: ПОЛИТЭКС. Научный журнал. 2014. Т. 10. №2. С. 256-271 (в соавторстве с А. Х. Даудовым, А. А. Андреевым, Д. Г. Янченко)

·    Летописная статья 6406 г. и роль мадьяр в ранней русской истории (современная историография) [Annalistic Record on 6406 and the Role of Magyars in Early Russian History] // Rossica Antiqua. 2015. №1 (11). С. 3–24.

·    Разная земля. Т. 4: У подножия неба [At the Foot of Heaven]. СПб.: Славия, 2015. 226 с. (в соавторстве с Д. А. Барановым, Д. В. Овсянниковым, А. Н. Онацко)

·    К истории первых русских крепостей на восточном побережье Каспийского моря [On the History of the First Russian Fortifications on the East Coast of the Caspian Sea] // Былые годы: Российский исторический журнал. 2016. T. 39 (1). С. 5-13. (в соавторстве с А. Х. Даудовым, А. А. Андреевым, Д. Г. Янченко, А. С. Кибинем)

·    Поход русов на о. Эгина в 813 году: об одном из историографических мифов военного времени [Russian Attack of Aegina Island in 813: One of Historiographical Myths of Wartime] //Древняя Русь: во времени, в личностях, в идеях. Альманах. Вып. 5: К 80-летию профессора Игоря Яковлевича Фроянова / Под ред. д.и.н., проф. А. В. Петрова. СПб., 2016. С. 339-350. (в соавторстве с А. А. Мещениной)

·    Разная земля. Т. 6: Земля Шпицберген [Spitsbergen Land]. СПб.: Славия, 2016.  221 с. (в соавторстве с Д. А. Барановым, О. В. Ганичевой)

·    Yanchenko D. G.,  Shorokhov V. A. Caucasian Policy of the Imperial Branches of Power during the First Russian Revolution // Вестник СПбГУ. История. Т. 62. Вып. 4. 2017. P. 674-692.

·    Daudov A. Kh., Shorokhov V. A., Andreev A. A. Anatomy of the Political Transformations during the Period of the Dissolution of the USSR on the Material from Kūhistoni Badakhshon // Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History. 2018. Vol. 63. Issue 3. P. 799–822.

·    Российские войска в Горно-Бадахшанской автономной области в 1992–1997 годах // Научный диалог. 2019. № 11. С. 471–491 (в соавторстве с А. А. Андреевым)

·    Shorokhov V. A., Andreev A. A., Yanchenko D. G. The Last Frontier of the Empire: the Eastern Pamirs in Russian Border Culture // Bylye Gody. 2019. Vol. 54. Is. 4. P. 1656-1669.
